The Well-Fed Self-Publisher

Get the Triple-Award-Winning 2014 Edition of

The Well-Fed Self-Publisher

Cover art of Peter Bowerman's The Well-Fed Self-PublisherJust try to land a publisher these days…

It’s never been harder (tell you about it, right?). And even if you do, count on anemic royalty rates, 18 to 24 months to publication, and giving up rights to your baby. To add insult to injury, you’re still expected to handle most marketing yourself.

There’s a better way.

Thanks to the internet, self-publishing (especially nonfiction) is more viable and more lucrative than ever before.

Who says?

I’m Peter Bowerman, and I have a story to share with you…

My Self-Publishing Journey

I self-published The Well-Fed Writer (2000 award winning Book-of-the-Month Club selection) and TWFW: Back For Seconds (2005 triple-award-finalist), and together, the two books – about 50,000 copies sold – earned me a full-time living for five-plus years.

With the release of two more books, the one on this site and the 2010 updated edition of TWFW, we’re now up to 70,000 copies in print, and a full-time living since 2001. Sound good?

Well, after the first two, I wrote (and self-published, of course) my third, the double-award-winning title featured on this site. In it, I shared exactly how I pulled off the above (i.e., “turning one book into a full-time living”).

Nothing theoretical. All “real world.” MY firsthand experience. And written in the same fun, readable style enjoyed by readers of my first two books ( And if you buy the book here, it ships free and you get a free e-bonus.

But, I didn’t stop at just writing the book. I sat down and put together a companion e-book, The Well-Fed SP Biz-in-a-Box, containing virtually every piece of marketing material I created in the course of marketing, promoting, publicizing, and selling my first two books.

Thanks for visiting, and may all your writing – now even your books – be “well-fed”!

– Peter Bowerman

The Premise of The Well-Fed Self-Publisher

Want to get published? Do it yourself –and make a living from it!

Here’s the proven blueprint that built a full-time income from one book.

In The Well-Fed Self-Publisher, you’ll follow the author’s firsthand experience as you learn how to:

• Develop a “marketing mindset” – minus the anxiety
• Create a book that turns heads and grabs eyeballs
• Find tons of reviewers anxious to publicize your book
• Get the bookstore chains to come looking for you
• Build a cash-generating web site that works 24/7
• Minimize your dependence on fickle mainstream media
• Parlay one book into multiple income streams
• Separate the “Print-on-Demand” hype from reality

Most importantly, you’ll learn a radical new approach to book promotion, one that keeps you in control. The result: less anxiety, higher profits, and more fun.

Novice or Seasoned…

New to publishing? The Well-Fed Self-Publisher takes you step-by-step through every stage of your publishing success story.

Been around the block a few times? You’ll walk away with a whole host of new tools and insights. Far from theoretical, The Well-Fed Self-Publisher is one big case study: the author’s own “real-world” success chronicle.

Unlike most books on self-publishing, The Well-Fed Self-Publisher focuses on both the process and profits. And it does so in the same engaging, personal, irreverent style that’s made the Well-Fed Writer titles enduring standards in the field of lucrative commercial freelancing.

Buy Now – $9.95

(E-book version only – plus 2 FREE bonuses!)

Or… read a sample chapter.

2 Free Bonuses with Purchase

These two bonuses are appendices from the original print version of the book, but converted into a far more user-friendly, individual, digital format.

Well-Fed SP Time Line Bonus:

Crucial to self-publishing success is understanding what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. Here’s your own printable version of Appendix D from the book, with all the pertinent URL links to the different steps, and “check boxes” before each step. Let it help you keep your self-publishing success story on track.

Well-Fed SP Resources Bonus:

Here’s an electronic version of Appendix B from the book, 12 pages of resources to help you at every step of your self-publishing journey.

Buy Now – $9.95

(E-book version only – plus 2 FREE bonuses!)

Don’t Forget the “Biz-in-a-Box”

The Well-Fed Self-Publisher Biz-in-a-Box e-book cover artYou’ve heard about the amazing companion e-book to The Well-Fed Self Publisher: The Well-Fed SP Biz-in-a-Box. Every piece of marketing material (100 pages worth) I created in successfully promoting my Well-Fed Writer titles. It sells for just $19.95 by itself, but purchase it along with the book, and you’ll save even more.

Buy TWFSP & Biz-in-a-Box – $24.95

Both sold in digital e-book format only. You still get two FREE bonuses detailed above.

Some time back, I was poking through my computer files and was blown away at the vast array of marketing, publicity, and promotional materials of every description that I’d created in the course of my book marketing campaigns.

“Wow,” I thought, “Bet my readers could use all this as they launch their own book campaigns.”
Including all of it would have added over 100 pages to the book, so I thought, “Why not create a separate cut ‘n pasteable e-book?” Well, I started digging, kept digging, and didn’t stop till I’d assembled…

…virtually every piece of marketing material I used in the course of promoting, marketing, and publicizing my successful titles.
Remember, I’m a 35-year sales/marketing/copywriting/publishing pro, and these are the resources I created to market five books that have earned me a full-time living since 2001. Think it might just save you just a little time, aggravation, and money? Yes, you have to adapt what I’ve done to your book, but you’ll see exactly how I did mine, so the way is clear.

We’re talking about a culmination of years of effort here…
But, offering up such a collection is all in keeping with the goal of my books: to spell out the real-world nitty-gritty detail, and leave the theoretical far behind.

“As a company that helps children’s authors self-publish their books, we were always looking for tools to give our authors an advantage in the marketplace. Once we discovered The Well-Fed SP Biz-in-a-Box and The Well-Fed Self-Publisher, we stopped looking. We buy them both by the case, and all of our clients get a set. The results have been amazing!”

Jerry Seltzer, General Manager

“Peter: Just to let you know I already used some of your templates from the Biz-in-a-Box and landed a radio interview spot within hours of sending it from one of the largest sport fishing radio stations in Southern California. You make it so easy!”

Jeff Holder, Self-publishing author

Here’s why it’s such a valuable resource…

  1. It shows you WHAT, specifically, you need to have, and seeing it all laid out will undoubtedly have you realize that you didn’t know you needed this, that, or the other.
  2. Just as importantly, it shows you HOW I crafted each piece. Not like my way is the right, best, or only way, but it got the job done. I encourage you to improve on it, but having a model to follow should make that job easier.
  3. By definition, you’ll see the WHEN and WHY of these pieces: the point at which you’d employ each one, and for what reason.
  4. Finally, through detailed explanations at the beginning of each item, you’ll understand the crucial CONTEXT of each tool, so you maximize its effectiveness.

What would something like that be worth to you?

Well, something as comprehensive as this could easily justify a price tag in the hundreds or more. Instead, it’s yours for about the cost of a pizza at just $19.95!

Yes, I’m a fool for letting it go for so little, and once you see everything that’s in it (below), you’ll wonder what I was thinking, but frankly, I just want to make it as accessible as possible to as many as possible.

Want to learn more? Check out the Biz-in-a-Box Teaser and Table of Contents.

Buy Now – WFSP Biz-in-a-Box E-book Only – $19.95

Well-Fed Mentoring for Self-Publishers

Would you benefit from more personalized help? Let me guide you through the process of self-publishing success.

Learn about my self-publishing mentoring options.